Thursday 16 May 2013

Bees and Spiders

It was a sunny day, and guess what... I had to go to bloody work! I did manage to grab 20 minutes or so beforehand to get outside with the whole set of extension tubes and the 85mm f/1.8 nikkor attached to the front of the camera. Let me just say how heavy this set-up was, and if you do use it on your camera, make sure you are supporting the lens at all times, not only does this decrease camera shake, but it also stops the whole ensemble from breaking apart and falling off (Which it didn't do but it felt like it was about to!)

Honey Bee
Apis melifera

Fact: All worker bees are female.
Buzzing Spider (Female)
Anyphaena accentuata

Fact: This spider is named due to the buzzing sound it creates as it vibrates it's abdomen against leaves. This behaviour is seen in the males when trying to attract a mate.

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